Acupuncture for back pain

Back pain is one of the most common problems patients present with.

A combination of acupuncture and shiatsu can be very effective.

Back pain may have different root causes: It can be the result of poor posture, too much sitting or lifting and carrying.  It can be triggered by external conditions, know in Chinese Medicine as   the invasion of external pathogenic factors such as cold and damp. In that case keeping the area warm with a hot water bottle brings relief. Acupuncture and moxibustion is usually very effective in clearing the channels and restoring flow of Qi.

A slipped disc or trauma from a fall or accident can cause back pain, sometimes years after the event. 

Feeling burdened and lack of emotional support can cause back pain. 

In all these cases the Qi in the relevant channels is not flowing freely and stagnation causes pain.

The pain may be dull or sharp and stabbing, constant or intermittent. Acupuncture and shiatsu can help relieve pain and re-establish a good flow of energy.