Margré de Vries is one of the best acupuncture/Shiatsu healer I have ever come across. Over the last year, she has managed to heal a possible synovitis condition in my feet, a condition which had affected my hips quite badly. I had been hobbling and commuting in a lot of pain. I thought that I would never be able to walk without pain again. I had been to foot specialists who could find nothing wrong, and therefore had not much advice to give. I kept being referred to other specialists.

Almost every acupuncture/Shiatsu session with Margré brought relief and I began to heal through regular sessions. I am now much better, and the excruciating pain in my hips and feet have disappeared. I still maintain monthly sessions with Margré in order to maintain my overall health. I would recommend Margré for a wonderful sense of wholistic treatment. She has excellent healing hands and an intuitive sense of how to heal people.




Business Consultant

I first visited Margré over 2 years ago in the hope that she could help with my breathing and chest problems, as well as some deep-rooted emotional issues. Her holistic approach to both mind and body are very thoughtful and refreshing and have really helped me to regain balance in my life - both physically and emotionally. My chest has vastly improved and I feel that our sessions provide a continual support for my mental wellbeing. I can’t thank Margré enough for her help and I would highly recommend her to anyone considering acupuncture or shiatsu.


Legal Secretary

​Margré creates a welcoming and nurturing space, and I always leave feeling lighter, relaxed, grounded and reconnected to myself. The first time I had acupuncture with Margré was a deeply profound experience I was not expecting, having tried acupuncture elsewhere previously. It was as if something opened up inside, and I felt a pleasant warmth at the site of the needle travel up my arm and into my chest that calmed and soothed in it's path and left me with a deep sense of peace. I have been visiting Margré for some time for shiatsu and acupuncture, and cannot recommend her highly enough.



Working in a stressful NHS role, and amidst a series of significant life events together with the menopause, I had begun suffering with a worsening of migraines and other health problems. Margre’s work through shiatsu, and her thoughtful, containing and compassionate approach to her work, has been of immeasurable value in helping me cope with these problems, with a noticeable improvement in all of my symptoms.


Retired Investment Executive

I have been going to Margré for almost twenty years, initially for shiatsu and more recently for acupuncture as well. When I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer I visited Margré regularly. Her sensitive diagnosis of my particular needs and her targeted treatments helped me tremendously through chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy.

I can't recommend her highly enough.


Over a number of sessions, Margré has been able to intuit and work with deep seated holding patterns in my body and help release them. After a session I feel more integrated and I am very appreciative of her skill and deep kindness.


Higher Education Administrator



Service manager

I was a novice to both acupuncture and shiatsu before visiting Margré and was not sure what to expect. Needless to say I have found her treatments hugely beneficial and have become a regular for a number of years now. Primarily Margré has helped my symptoms of anxiety, depression and sleep problems but has found a very flexible and successful approach to a few other issues I experienced along the way! She is always thoughtful, kind and professional - I cannot recommend her enough.


I have experienced a number of shiatsu sessions with Margré. I keep coming back because the sessions work and she is the best shiatsu practitioner around. I enjoy her straightforward, warm and clear approach as she enquires after my health and wellbeing. The pressure is perfect and I feel that I speak from a different, deeper place after the session. She brings a wisdom and intuition to the body which translates into a deeply understood and cared for shiatsu session. My body feels deeply relaxed, aligned and more connected. I highly recommend her services and highly value them.